Saturday, May 22, 2010

So this hopefully we be short as I really need to get some rest - have been trying for the last 2 or 3 hours but keep thinking of other stuff to do and this blog happened to be on that list.

I seriously cannot tell anyone just how great some of the local people and business are, but here's my great examples and kind of my "you totally ought to visit these stores" pitch. My roommate and I frequently travel the 14 miles up to Ennis to use our cell phones and to get random "supplies" (i.e. doughnuts and beverages) and after day one there were a few ladies who work in the local store who knew our names and continuously have used them. Then, farther into town, there's the cutest little jewelry store, Fran's Fancy, and the couple that own and operate it take the time to chat with you, educate you on the various stones, etc., and make you so darn comfortable you don't want to leave (of course your pocketbook may have other ideas). An amazing Mexican restaurant is also in town and the other day when we ate there they were so apologetic for what they called "slow" service (it was damn fast) so made us essentially an elephant ear type desert thing. Awesome food, very very nice people, and ridiculously high expectations of themselves in regards to their work totally dictate this place.

Then in V.C. itself I have to tell you I pretty much am in love with the Pioneer - one of the two local bars. As far as I can tell there's really one bartender and let me tell you what she rocks. Makes amazing drinks, remembers every "regular" person by name and favorite drink, and laughs from her toes (no joke)... plus compared to the prices back home this place is like the wal-mart of saloons... or better! Last night we went out in celebration of finishing up week two and while there we ran into the first shift of an acting troupe that puts on apparently one of the funniest acts every summer (they open Friday and are here until September). We've heard stories about how funny their show is but man they're just really cool people! We talked for quite awhile with them having first introduced ourselves within 30 seconds of saying hi and when we were ready to leave maybe an hour or an hour 1/2 later they told us bye by name and were excited we were planning on attending a show before we left. Seriously funny people.

Huh... can you tell I'm big on people remembering names?

Of course a healthy dose of this local business adoration could be based on the fact that we were in Bozeman today shopping. Bozeman is much larger than V.C. but probably about Pullman's size; it could be because of being in such a small town atmosphere for so long but even their "nice" in the mall and stores was pale comparatively. EXCEPT one woman working JCPenney where my roommate got shoes. She was rocking the most bizarre outfit - leg warmers, purple tights, rainbow socks, clear sparkly jelly shoes, odd cutoff jeans, a teal sweater off one shoulder, HUGE PINK PLASTIC SUNGLASSES and a sideways ponytail - plus mega blue eye shadow. Now some may automatically be saying "that wasn't bizarre that was 80s!" but considering I wasn't born until the latter half of the 80s I hope you'll forgive me for being a bit taken aback. Well, then the question becomes why the hell was she wearing this? Turns out the mall opened in 1980 and this weekend was "80s weekend!" and sales associates had to hit up the retro look. Kind of cool, she was nice, but damn bright colors! OH! And the hamburger guy - there's a place in the food court of the mall called Bobcat Burgers and let's just say their sign that reads "This is not fast food - it is fresh food" is totally right and boy-o it is GOOD! And the guy running the till and making the food (proprietor maybe?) was super nice as well. We found the place thanks to the lady who checked us out at the toy store... A TOY STORE! Haven't seen one in forever so it rocked my socks off.

It isn't all fun and games tho' - I mean we are still working here. Tuesday night we have a presentation to the Lemhi Cultural Committee (not sure if that's the right title) about our SNHP project. We initially showed our "drafts" to I believe the chairman of the committee back in March/April and it was over 3 hours long. Now, most people aren't willing to sit for that long and thus we are attempting to chop 3 hours of work down to 30 minutes and instead of the 7 presenters we have 5... so roughly 5 minutes per person as one has intro and close so 5 minute blocks for both. OI! Plus my curriculum project is ridiculously hard for me because I've never done anything like this, but totally was reminded today that it was very important as that chairman got in touch with me about the work I've done thus far and essentially said its very cool that I'm doing that. Sweet!

But boy I'm missing a few things - not so much mud, not having to travel to call people, my family, MY BED! But even though today it snowed and its yucky I'm going to miss this place and hope to be back sooner as opposed to later. Anybody else thinking road trip for another performance by that acting troupe? Haha! Really, the best way to describe how it looks is to simply call it ruggedly beautifulk - it is not a gentle soft landscape but somehow that makes it even better. Fan-freaking-tastic.

Ok bed time... we shopped and not only do I dislike it but it wears me out so for sure this time bed!

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