Tuesday, June 15, 2010

mutter mutter mutter

Well today pretty much sucked. I had to get stitches yesterday on my side (injury from MT that wasn't being nice and playing the game called healing properly) and naturally had to have an insane amount of numbing stuff that made me sick most of yesterday and a good chunk of today. Then I started new allergy meds today and totally am not adjusting well. AND THEN I WENT TO SPOKANE! Now seriously, the rest of the stuff would be just annoying little nonsense but then you add in the potholes and the traffic and the people who don't freaking signal and cut into your lane randomly... and before you know it I'm not only muttering but coming up with creative insults and new combinations of swear words.

I don't get it people - really I don't. My dad is from Spokane, a lot of my family is in Spokane, I have several friends up there and some of the neatest shops/stores are there. Yet I can't stand the place and always feel "off" for at least a day after I get back. I know that they say you can take the girl out of the country but not the country out of the girl but this girl doesn't want to leave the country so you can just forget it right now! In my defense Mom is worse I think - growing up on a farm like 8-10 miles outside of a tiny town and now living in another tiny town and feeling crowded because she can see the neighbors... BUT SPOKANE IS WORSE... I promise.

No there are really truly elements that I like about Spokane, but today was crap anyway. This is how bad it was - I didn't even want to go to Barnes and Noble even though that was the original plan! That's way bad for me, a book freak. I was so glad to get into my tiny ass town, or even near it, or even out of the heavy traffic. The weirdest thing is that there are other cities that I LOVE to be in so why not this place? Who knows.

But we have pink golf balls now - one of the errands today - and its not like you can just walk into say Crossett's and find those. Guess it was kind of worth it...

So I mutter.

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